Sunday, August 31, 2008

All Arrived!

So I have currently been in Japan for about 10 hours after a 12 hour flight and I feel, well...I did feel tired until I slept for a few hours but now my body is all, "But it's almost 1pm, LOLZ!" Go go Jetlag!

What can be said about my first impressions...

Japan is beautiful. When you get out from the city, everything is so lush, green, and as Debra puts it, "Fluffy". For all people talk about Japan being a very intimidating city, I find it no different than most other big, American for the fact that Tokyo is like five times larger than anything else I've ever seen personally. The sprawl is huge, and I feel mostly safe on the streets. I say mostly because I went out around 7pm to pick up some late night snacks from an AM/PM.

(For those not in the know, AM/PM is a chain of convenience stores)

Arrived at Narita with no issue, got through customs and immigration with ease. Met up with Rie, shipped my luggage, exchanged currency and then hopped on an airport bus to take me directly to my hotel. By that point I was so tired that I bid Rie goodbye just because I did not wish to be all Zombie-E to a poor Japanese woman.

This hotel is seriously awesome. Michael would love it because everything is so automated, and so...Japanese. I know, big surprise, right? But it's a nice hotel, will come here again in the future.

Tomorrow I move into the dormitory. I apologize for the lack of ZOMG FIRST DAY photos. I was understandably dead. But tomorrow will be my official first FULL DAY in Japan, and there will be photos. I promise!