Sunday, October 5, 2008

Wherein I get a lot of use out of my bike

The legs, they burn with a righteous fury. I have done not well by them. Biking everyday to class and back, futzing around Fuchu and what not. Yeah, they're angry. But at the same time, the more I don't bike, the more it hurts. So biking feels good, strangely. Just not when it's raining, it's dark, and I have to put the lamp on my bike which is pedal powered (making it twice as hard to pedal).

Today was another one of them "long days". You're probably asking, well, it's a Sunday, what could be so long. It's the weekend, it's chill time, it's all good.

Au contraire, mon frere.

Today was not just any Sunday, but I had an early student today who wanted to meet in Mitaka (so basically, near my school). Seeing as how I am an early riser, the 9:30 appointment was of no issue. Woke up, ate some yogurt, pedaled to Mitaka to the McD's, got a quick breakfast (om nom nom) and waited for Sho (my student) to arrive.

Sho is an older gentleman, older than my first student even, and was much more relaxed and not as rigid as the first student. He's a surgeon who specializes in gastro-intestinal cancer and anything pertaining to the gut area. We talked a lot and that's pretty much what he pays me for: to talk. Strange, isn't it?

What is stranger is that he ended up needing to leave half way through our trial lesson and on top of that, he paid me more than THREE TIMES my price. That's right, what was supposed to be about a 1500 yen session became a 5000 yen session.

Holy fuck.

I see him again on the 18th. He's biweekly, considering how busy the schedule of a surgeon is. Dare I hope that I get 5000 yen each time @_@

So I pack my stuff up from McD's and go to pull out my bike when a wild Rachael appears! Not wanting to go back home only to ride back two hours later for a make up class session, I decide to follow her to this English speaking church she found. It wasn't until we were riding for like a half hour when I realized that we had rode from Mitaka to Kichijouji. Color me amazed since I was like, "Holy crap, I've rode from Fuchu to Mitaka to Kichijouji! There's nothing I can't do!" We met up with Katie, Abigail, Greg, and two others whose names I cannot remember and headed to the church.

I won't go much into the church thing. It wasn't really engaging, and I dunno...didn't really "feel" anything there.

So, after the service runs late, me and Katie have to haul ass back to campus for our make up class (We have the same class and are both on Festival Committee). On our way back we pass Inokashira Park and see some sort of awesome festival/open market thing happening and we're both like, "To ditch class, to not ditch class..." Considering that after class we were all going to a Korean Yakiniku restaurant, we opted for class. It didn't seem as long as it normally did, which was nice. Probably because it was done earlier in the day.

Note to self: Korean food is tasty, when you can avoid the really spicy food.

It was really nice to be able to talk to my classmates in a more relaxed setting. Noe is half-Japanese half-American, born in Tokyo but lived in the States for awhile and went to school here, Mizuki (or "Miz") is really awesome too. She lives in Kichijouji. Both have offered to hang out with me and show me the ropes of Tokyo, for which I am grateful.

Then it was the long ride home. I'm hot, I'm tired, my legs are sore. I'm going to go chill for a bit and study for my quiz tomorrow.


Unknown said...

Oooooooo such an interesting day ^^ I hope the guy keeps paying you so much. But take care of you and your legs! Good luck for the test!

okaasan said...

You are going to be so lean when U come home!! :)