Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Recap pt. 2

A continuation of my week review with Michael :3

Mar. 5 - Climbed Mt. Takao with Stewart, Josh, and Rhiannon. It took us three hours this time, but we had so much fun in doing so. Lots of video, lots of pictures, and many lulz along the way. Then we headed to Shinjuku for dinner and attempted a few geocaches which literally had us walk from Shinjuku to Yoyogi, into Shibuya and then back to Shinjuku and still never found the damn caches. We think they all got sanitized :(

Mar. 6 - We had planned to head out to Kamakura to see the Daibutsu and the ocean while we were there (as well as the many, many shrines of Kamakura) but since the weather was so disagreeable this week, it was cold, windy and rainy as all hell, it would not have been fun to walk out in that at all. So we decided to stay local and shopped in Akihabara instead :3

March 7: Went to ICU's campus so Mike could see where I lived. We also got my final grades which made me a sad panda, but at least I passed. We toured the grounds, took photos, and I explained a lot of things to him which made me feel great and useful :3

March 8: ...Ultimate day of sadness. After a day of picking up last minute gifts, we take the slow train to Narita and sit in the airport, talking until Michael has to board. Then the tears never end ;~;

I miss him so much now :(