Thursday, September 18, 2008


For those playing the homegame sans Japanese language support, my subject for today's post is: I have a lot of homework.

In the last week I added an additional class, making it three I am taking this term for a total of 12 credit hours so that in the next two terms I can focus solely on Intensive Japanese II and III. Which, both in and of themselves are 12 credit hours each. So now my schedule looks like this:


Japanese 2 - 10:10-12:40

Japanese 2 - 10:10-12:40

Wednesday, aka "ZOMG WTF CLASSES ALL DAY":
Japanese 2 - 10:10-12:40
Contemporary Japanese History - 13:15-15:00
Readings in Japanese History I - 15:10-19:00

Japanese 2 - 10:10-12:40

Japanese 2 - 10:10-12:40
Contemporary Japanese History - 13:15-15:00
ICU Festival Committee Meeting - 18:00-20:00

I'm not even adding in the potential for Archery or Tea Ceremony Club just yet. I can't do Flower Arranging (Ikebana) due to it taking place while I'm in class on Friday. Sad Panda.

My Japanese class is fairly consistant in homework, and you really do need to study a minimum of two hours a night. And I've been slacking. My Contemporary History class has a good amount of readings and work to keep up with, meanwhile my Readings in Japanese History is pretty laisez-faire. No weekly writings, no real discussion on the readings, a single self-propelled fieldtrip to Yasukuni and a 15 page research paper later...Yarp. All good.

I have to go to Kichijouji again for my Japanese project with Mark, John, and Stewart, which should be fun. One of these days I need to go out to Akihabara and Asakusa...

But for now, homework and preparing for a house-bound weekend as the Typhoon hits. Weee~!


Unknown said...

Thanks for translation of the title ^^ Also, I'm sure you can manage all of this. Courage Erykah! I have faith in you!

*looks at his own homework and hides it*

Anonymous said...

Courage! *hasn't done homework in about a year if it's not Physics* You show them Japanese how it's done!