Sunday, September 21, 2008


Those four letters succintly summarize my exact feelings as of this moment. The past three days have sucked horrendously outside of the fact that I had the free time to study for Japanese, read my history books, study for the GRE, and lounge around. Saturdays have proven to be the bane of my existance as it has been now two, consecutive Saturday's that something near catastrophic has happened to me. A week or so ago, the fan in my laptop burned out. This time? My bank has (assumedly) but a hold on my account so I cannot withdraw any money whatsoever and my rent is due THIS SATURDAY.

Insert massive freaking out.

Doubly so since I have only 1300yen ($13 or so) on hand that needs to 1.) Buy food for Sunday and Tuesday when we are not fed at the dorm (we don't get fed on Sunday's and Tuesday is a national holiday) and 2.) Be able to take my bike out of the bike park (100 yen/day) in order to get to class everyday.

I was especially freaked out when the post office ATM said I had insufficient funds (WTF? I have more than enough money in there!), 7-11 said I had an invalid card...but at the same time it allowed me to look up my account balance @_@; Yeah, calling my bank tonight to go, "OMGWTFBBQ?!" since the card issuer (MasterCard) says there's no block on their end, meaning my bank's probably like, "Oh hay thar, we thought some1 stoled ur card :D"

So, yeah. I'm living on ramen and water for the next two days. Today sucked because I had no other choice but to ride my bike to school (the bus is 210 yen and I'd only have enough for one way in my pocket) and it was downpouring something fierce. My pants are soaked from Daisy Duke level on down, my shoes squeak when I walk on tile, my hair is a mess, and I will probably ride back home in another downpour.

Thank god that tomorrow is a holiday so I can wallow in angst at the fact that I've had to wear wet clothes all day and during my J2 test too. Here's hoping I don't catch a cold from having ridden in the rain for so long. That's the last thing I need =_=;


Lene said...

Omg! *hugs poor E* You poor poor thing! Hang in there, girl! You'll get through this!! ^_^

Unknown said...

Oh wow, bank issues are a pain *huggles* courage Erykah! Can't rain all the time ^^ We believe in you!

Anonymous said...

Courage there! Maybe try to get someone of the dorm mates to lend you money so you don't have to go out in the rain? 300-400 yen isn't that much to lend to a friend and it'd save you from yuckiness and possible cold ^_^