Saturday, September 6, 2008

A Day of Leisure

I woke up at 5am again. Damn my sleep schedule being all maladjusted. It's been like this for a few days. I'd pass out around 8pm and wake up at 5am. No joke. At least that way I was able to talk to Mike before he went to class :) Today was *gasp* not an orientation day, but instead the day to register for classes and what not. Since I was a retard and forgot about yesterday being the day for GE courses, I am not taking any this trimester. But I signed up for Japanese 2 and HST 321: Readings in Japanese History I, which will satisfy my history cognate and set me on the path for graduation! HUZZAH!

After registering, meeting with adviser, running into German!Chris like 50-million times, hitting up the bank to pay for my optional insurance and to mail a letter to my dear Michael, me and Debra decided to have lunch at her place over in Global House. It was very sweet of her to treat me to spaghetti with pesto sauce. At least, now I know where to go for food when she wants to cook :)

We also kicked back and reviewed through our textbooks. Debra got placed in J1, so she's taking Intensive. This means we'll be studying together often since I will need help recalling stuff from level 1 and she'll be going through levels 1 and 2 this term alone. The Intensive program is highly accelerated and crazy, which is what I plan to do next term! UN! UN! FAI~TO~!

In short, Debra's performance in Intensive determines my future. Joy of Joys!

After futzing around Global House for awhile, playing Street Fighter II on ye olden Super Famicon (I totally didn't know that Balrog was really M. Bison, M. Bison was really Vega, and Vega was actually Balrog O_O) and reading through the first two volumes of NANA that they had in the library, we went to the April-September meet-n-greet and were split into our groups. I was in "AL" group, along with 6 other September students (Note: ICU has two separate entry times, April and September. September kids are mostly the exchange, transfers, or One Year Regulars like me). April students showed up. At all. We were le'sad. I did, however, get the contact information of several of the September kids in my group so it's all good :)

We tracked down the coordinator and was all, "Dude, no one showed up!" he shoved us into another room with other students.

Now, mind you, the groups were split up in a specific manner, primarily, based on language comprehension. I went from a group that was supposed to be good with English to a group that did not know enough to hold a conversation. Insert sad times, since these meet-n-greet's were supposed to help us September kids make friends that could help us around and all that jazz.

So that leaves me to here. I hopped the bus and train back home and now a delicious, home-made Japanese dinner awaits me. I wonder what it is...


Unknown said...

Shall I say 'more photos'? ^^ kidding, this one is nice. Who took it? :D

okaasan said...

Angel bunny pink shirt!!! You are amazing!!!!