Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Long Days, But Worth It!

My Wednesday's are perhaps the most hellish day of the week for me. I have class from 10:00am to 7:00pm, non-stop. That's right. Nine hours of class in one day. Granted it gets my once a week class out of the way, but it's nothing short of mind breaking when today was the first day of Kousen (my particular group in the Festival Committee...we're basically PR and advertising) began working in the workshop on the banners and signs and wooden constructs to put up around campus for the festival. That went until about an hour ago.

Before I headed there, I lounged in the library for awhile and ran into Takeyoshi again. He stopped in his tracks and looked at me like I had grown a second head. Apparently my outward appearance (read: HAGGARD) caused such an alarm that he dragged me to some chairs to sit and talk for a bit. I've been sleeping fine, it's just mostly stress and all that jazz from the past two weeks, my prior depression, the failing of a quiz, stuff like that. I'm also pretty lonely and don't go out much because I don't really have many friends to go out with.

That's when he told me that any time I want to go out, I just need to call him and we'll go hang out. He's new to Tokyo too (Takeyoshi is originally from Osaka) so we're exploring it together. I just get the bonus added of having a fluent Japanese speaker with me so I don't get lost, end up in Roppongi working at an S&M bar...

I really had fun today all things considered. Painting in the workshop felt great, and everyone was so friendly. I still get a little giddy when they call me "Erykah-chan!" and the occasional "Kawaii"'s throw me through a loop...but they like me, think I'm cool and are happy to have me on board. And I'm happy to be there.

Woo. Tomorrow I have my second trial tutoring session with another old Japanese business guy. This one seems like serious business, so I hope the impression I make is a good one. Go, go Money!

Tomorrow I'm also taking my Camera with me to Workshop and subsequently to Yasukuni on Saturday and to class (yes, class. A makeup period) on Sunday because after class, the entire group is going to a Korean restaurant for dinner. Yum yum. Time to see the professor get drunk XD

Now, back to homework!


Unknown said...

Making new friends, having fun, learning....I'm so glad about all this ^^ Keep on rocking Erykah!

*runs to EC to meet a famous Norwegian karateka*

Anonymous said...

Friends are always good :) Especially local friends. They make learning the language so much easier and entertaining.

Just today, had a chat with my Physics teacher about how badly the Japanese treated him when he went there to practice kendo (he's a third dan), and am really glad you aren't having the same problems.

Keep it up! We're all cheering for you here!

Unknown said...

It occurs to me that the childcare opportunity you had found would require a ton of time compared to your conversation job. I would stick to whatever gives you the least stress and takes the least time.

It is, however, very good to hear about your securing a tutor. I think you'll be okay if you can really get to use the language and not just study it.

You have no clue how wowed I am by your pictures. You do a good job of capturing things. Keep it up. It'll be a wonderful thing to look back on in 10 years.