Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Someone Shat in the Shower

...No, this is not a Dane Cook comedy sketch based off of the "Someone shat on the coats!" sketch, but rather, this is the second time, since I've lived in the dorm, that someone has been so unable to control their bodily functions and has shat in the shower.

The first time I was not privy to, nor did I even see any notices go up about it like this time. Karen, in fact, had been the one to walk into the shower to see a steamy pile in her shower and promptly screamed. She now avoids that particular shower like the plague, and really, who could blame her?

Today, walking into the main entry way of the dorm there's a whiteboard where announcements are often pinned up. Someone, another boarder I assume, took it upon themselves to draw a diagram of someone taking a shower normally ("O.K!") and another of someone in the shower, squatting, and dropping a deuce ("NO!"). Later when I went down to dinner the shitting stick figures were gone and an official notice was posted. One in Japanese, and one, thankfully, in English.

If it happens again, they are going to do DNA testing (or so they say). It'd be amusing if its one of the Japanese girls doing it in order to get us foreigners kicked out.

But seriously? Crapping in one of the three showers we have to share between 75 others? Not cool.

...and so, this is Japan :/


Unknown said...

Yerk, uncool. People are dirty >.> hope it won't happen again

Unknown said...

We used to have a problem at the store I worked at where someone... customer maybe, we didn't know.. would use the bathroom and place used toilet paper in the trash can.

Aside from being just kinda nasty and smelly, the owner refused to spend money on trash can liners, so it got all over and took a long time to clean.