Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Relationship Guru?

In the past two weeks, I have had to counsel not just one pair of friends, but another friend of mine on relationship issues. It's not that I have any problem doing it, I am just surprised at how natural it seems to be that I impart upon these people my knowledge, understanding, and what not.

The last week has been mostly spent with Maya (from Sweden), who just recently broke up with her boyfriend who is also studying at ICU. One of them took it well, while the other one decided that a good method of getting the girl back was to crash her Japanese class covered in tears and drag her out.

Yeah, just a little awkward.

Needless to say, me and Maya have been attached to the hip this past week, mostly in part that we live in the same dorm and we share many like interests. We went out a few times this week, and found ourselves in Kichijouji, where I bought myself a nice olive-green-brown suede handbag for $6 or thereabouts. It's quite nice. Also, a cute ring ($4) and necklace (also $4), one for which will be used to keep horny guys off of me ("See here, man?! I'm engaged! Back off!") and the other is to send to my beloved Ms. Becki, who is now Mama Becki <3

I did the Global House Ball which was kind of a Global House Fail since the bartenders couldn't mix a proper drink to save their lives. Normally, when I drink three tequila sunrises in the span of fifteen minutes, I expect to be properly buzzed. The buzz never happened. I was very disappointed. At least at the 2MD party, the booze was cheaper and were properly made.

Had my third Japanese test and did poorly, though not at poorly as I did last term. A small set back, but given how I was feeling that last week, yeah...understandable.

I'll write more when I'm not falling asleep at the keyboard.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Your Experience May Vary

I had a tutoring session with Yasuyo today, and I think we talked more about life than practiced Japanese. Wwe got to that, of course, but she said I was fine. But it was about the entire exchange experience, especially for a country that doesn't share a language.

Since being in Japan, I have very few Japanese friends that I actually see on a regular basis, even less that I hang out with. I often feel like the token white girl that they say "hi" to every day. Granted, I knew before coming to Japan that it is very much a culture of "sameness" and being white skinned, green eyed and blond isn't really the same as a pale skinned, brown eyed and black haired Asian. There's also the language barrier. This culture is xenophobic. But still, one still carries the small torch of hope thinking that maybe the fact that the world has become so globalized that this would have vanished?

Nope. Not at all. Granted, Tomoko and Mariko are more likely to say "hi" to me and even occasionally email me, but I never get to go out with them.

When Yasuyo lived in Canada, she felt the same thing only in reverse. She didn't speak much English at that time and had next to know friends. It's not just a Japanese thing, but a global thing. Too bad we can't get over these differences and accept people from various cultures.

It was nice to build that repore with her. I hope that even after I leave I can still remain in contact with her.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Uncommonly Common

Today, when I went to go pick up my Japanese Art History Midterm (B!), I discovered something peculiar.

There are no less than five Erika's in the class. Of which I am one of. This is the first time I have ever encountered a Japanese Erika, let alone four others.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Livin' La Vida 3WD

It's been over two weeks since I've moved onto campus, and things are honestly nicer. I have more time (to sit around and do NOTHING! HA!), am closer to friends, and cooking for myself isn't as bad as one would think. Granted, I'm doing the bare necessity to survive, but hey, I'm used to that.

The dorm is a little chilly, but when I am sleeping, I'm always toasty. It's just dealing with the cold during the day and otherwise. I'm sure once Spring and Summer hit I'll be hating it, but for now, we'll take the good.

My roommate's name is Yuki Hikaru, and she's one of the Seniors of the dorm. In Japan, seniority is a big (HUGE) thing. So, the Seniors in the dorm pretty much get to decide who rooms with who among other things. Despite the fact that I'm older than most, if not all of them, I'm still treated like a freshman. I suppose it's the whole being a OYR and non-native speaker that I'm out of the loop, but, whatever. I came to this place like five months too late to be apart of the actual community, so...

In a month I'll have a new roommate. I'm hoping it's Maya, Reina, Tina, or Serina.

Classes are going exceptionally well. I've gotten a 86% and a 88% on my first two tests, so I am improving! Go me :D

Monday, January 12, 2009







Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Happy New Year, everyone!

Now that my laptop has returned, I can start putting down all the things I did between then, and now.

1.) Had my laptop die, as well as my mp3 player.
2.) Went out with my friends more (Josh, Stewart, et all)
3.) Spent NYE at a temple beneath Tokyo Tower
4.) Met a naval L5R friend and hung out with him for a bit.
5.) Packed up and moved into ICU's Third Women's Dorm (3WD)
6.) Finally went to the hospital for my knee (MRI in a month)
7.) Shrine/Temple Crawl with Josh and Stewart
8.) Adjusting to new laptop not made of FAIL.
9.) Missing my Michael

Will write more later, as well as post an updated photodump!